Tennishallengenossenschaft Buchholz Uster Flectra-Version 2.0

Information zu Tennishallengenossenschaft Buchholz Uster Flectra-Instanz , der Open Source ERP.

Installierte Anwendungen

Verwaltung der Finanz- und Analysebuchhaltung
Odoo Advance Signup
Odoo admin can configure their signup page with dynamic fields for each website.
Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
Rechnungen & Zahlungseingänge
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise Website ersteller
Verwalten Sie Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten
Bestellungen, Angebote und Vereinbarungen
Point of Sale
Benutzerfreundliche PoS-Schnittstelle für Shops und Restaurants
Organisieren und planen Sie Ihre Projekte
Verkaufen Sie ihre Produkte Online
Entwerfen, senden und verfolgen von E-Mails
Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
Vergabe von Urlaubszeiten und Verfolgung von Urlaubsanfragen
Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
Account Credit Control
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Dynamic Tooltip
Dynamic Tooltip is used to customize tooltip help text dynamically for one2many relational field.
Event Custom Jawengo
Event Custom Jawengo
Personalabrechnungs-Datensätze verwalten
Generic Payroll system Integrated with Accounting,Expense Encoding,Payment Encoding,Company Contribution Management
Send Employee Work Time Report With Email
Send employee work time report with email of payslip when employee wage type is hourly
HR Work Time Base
Gather and manage work time information
Payroll ELM XML Export
Export an importable xml file with payroll data
HR Payroll send by Mail
This module adds mailing functionality to hr.payroll module
Switzerland - Payroll Tax At Source
Additional tax on payslip
QR Generation After Posted
Allows print/ preview if it isn't confirmed
Switzerland - Postal codes (ZIP) list
Provides all Swiss postal codes for auto-completion
Live WebCam Image | Image Widget
Allows to take image with WebCam[TAGS], web camera, web photo, web images, camera image, snapshot web, snapshot webcam, snapshot picture, web contact image, web product image, online mobile web image and product image.
Multiple Reports per Mail Template
Attach multiple reports to mail templates
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
Interactive Partner Aging at any date
Aging as a view - invoices and credits
Partner First Name Event
Partner First Name Event
Notes in POS receipt
Add notes in POS receipt
Product Publish Precise Control
Control Product Publishing on Website
Website Event Custom Jawengo
Website Event Custom Jawengo
Jawengo Center App
Jawengo Sport Center
Jawengo Center POS Restaurant
Jawengo Sport Center - POS Restaurant
Jawengo Association App
Jawengo Sport Association
Veranstaltungen veröffentlichen, Tickets verkaufen
Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
Zentralisieren Sie Ihr Adressbuch
Planung von Mitarbeiterversammlungen
Umfragen erstellen und Antworten analysieren
Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Dashboards
Verfolgen Sie die Anwesenheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter
Employee Contracts Types
Contract type in contracts

Installierte Lokalisierungen / Kontotabellen

Payroll ELM XML Export
Export an importable xml file with payroll data
HR Payroll send by Mail
This module adds mailing functionality to hr.payroll module
Switzerland - Payroll Tax At Source
Additional tax on payslip
QR Generation After Posted
Allows print/ preview if it isn't confirmed
Switzerland - Postal codes (ZIP) list
Provides all Swiss postal codes for auto-completion
Schweizer Buchführung
Invoice Document with Swiss QR Bill
Integration of swiss qr bill into invoice report
Switzerland Account Tags
Switzerland - Bank list
Banks names, addresses and BIC codes
Switzerland - Bank type
Types and number validation for swiss electronic pmnt. DTA, ESR
Swiss Flectra Improvements
Switzerland - Payroll Analytic
Switzerland Payroll Analytic
Switzerland - Payroll Base
Switzerland Payroll Rules
Switzerland - Payroll Extra Allowances
Switzerland Payroll Extra Allowances
Switzerland - Payroll KTG
Switzerland Payroll KTG
Switzerland - Payroll Reporting - KTG Extension
Switzerland Payroll Reports
Switzerland - Payroll Reporting
Switzerland Payroll Reports
Switzerland - Payroll UVGZ
Switzerland Payroll UVGZ
Switzerland - Payroll Reporting - UVGZ Extension
Switzerland Payroll Reports
Switzerland - ISO 20022
ISO 20022 base module for Switzerland
Switzerland - PAIN Credit Transfer
Generate ISO 20022 credit transfert (SEPA and not SEPA)
Switzerland - QR-IBAN
Switzerland - Accounting Optional Reports as Attachments
Switzerland Country States
Mehrsprachige Kontenpläne